Nemophila menziesii var atomaria The charming white form of BabyBlueEyes, has white flowers with black dots, often with a faint blue tint or blue veins in the corolla, other times a pure white Its creeping habit, under 1' tall, and its tendency to put out many flowers at once make it a favorite for containers, where it blooms for a surprisingly long time, from early spring to midNemophila menziesii var atomaria (Fisch & CA Mey) Voss 'Snowstorm' ネモフィラ は北アメリカ原産の1年草のネモフィラ属の総称。 ネモフィラ属には11種があり、最も多く栽培されているのは花が青色のNemophila menziesii であり、和名はルリカラクサ、英名はbaby blue eyesという。 Nemophila menziesiiの変種の Nemophila menziesii var atomariaはオレゴン州、カリフォルニアNemophila sepulta var minutiflora (Suksd) Brand;

Nemophila Menziesii Xera Plants
Nemophila menziesii var. atomaria
Nemophila menziesii var. atomaria-Nemophila menziesii var macrocarpa (Eastw) Brand;Nemophila menziesii var atomaria má bílé květy s černými tečkami, často se slabým modrým odstínem nebo modrými žilkami v koruně Nachází se na pobřežních útesech nebo travnatých svazích v Oregonu, severozápadní Kalifornii, centrálním pobřeží

Baby Blue Eyes Snowstorm Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria White Gardens Black And White Flowers White Flowers
Nemophila menziesii var atomaria имеет белые цветки с чёрными точками, часто со слабым голубым оттенком или с голубыми прожилками в венчике Растёт на прибрежных скалах и травянистых склонах в Орегоне, в северозападной и на центральном побережье Калифорнии и в области залива СанФранциско Nemophila menziesii var integrifolia имеет синиеNemophila menziesii Baby blue eyes World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the mostNemophila menziesii var atomaria has white flowers with black dots, often with a faint blue tint or blue veins in the corolla It is found on coastal bluffs or grassy slopes in Oregon, Northwestern California, the Central Coast of California, and the San Francisco Bay Area
Lower 15 cm, blade = petiole, linearoblong to ovate, lobes 513, obtuse, entire or 13toothed;Herb J Gay, Presented by Dr Hooker, February 1868;Nemophila Species menziesii var atomaria Cultivar Snowstorm Common Name Baby Eyes Also kniown as 'Freckles' Hardiness Hardy Annual Flowers Pure white background, heavily dotted with tiny black speckles Natural Flower Time Early to Mid Summer Foliage Mid Green Height 10 to 15cm (4 to 6in) Spread 30 to 45cm (12 to 15in) Position
Upper sessile, entire, toothed, or less lobed than lower Inflorescence pedicels 60 mm, < 70 mm in fruitNemophila menziesii var atomaria tiene flores blancas con puntos negros, a menudo con un tinte azul tenue o venas azules en la corola Se encuentra en acantilados costeros o laderas cubiertas de hierba en Oregon, el noroeste de California, la costa central de California yNemophila menziesii var atomaria has white flowers with black dots, often with a faint blue tint or blue veins in the corolla It is found on coastal bluffs or grassy slopes in Oregon, Northwestern California, the Central Coast of California, and the San Francisco Bay Area

Nemophila Menziesii Baby Blue Eyes Agricultural Arts Facebook

Baby Blue Eyes Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria Solanales Hydrophyllaceae
Nemophila menziesii var atomaria (Fisch & CAMey) HPChandler Show all 16 multimedia Literature Searching the external sources WorldCat and Biodiversity Heritage Library for literature on Nemophila menziesii atomaria (Fisch & C A Mey) Voss TheThe photographer's identification Nemophila menziesii var atomaria has not been reviewed Click here to review or comment on the identification Using this photo The thumbnail photo (128x192 pixels) on this page may be freely used for personal or academic purposes without prior permission under the Fair Use provisions of US copyright law as Boraginaceae Nemophila Nemophila menziesii Hook & Arn Nemophila menziesii Hook & Arn is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Nemophila (family Boraginaceae ) The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on ) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details

Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria Baby Blue Eyes Npin

Nemophila Menziesii V Atomaria Snowstorm At B T World Seeds
Nemophila menziesii f umbrosa Brand;ムラサキ科 Boraginaceae ネモフィラ属 ネモフィラは北アメリカ原産の1年草のネモフィラ属の総称。 ネモフィラ属には11種があり、最も多く栽培されているのは花が青色のNemophila menziesii であり、和名はルリカラクサという。 英名はbaby blue eyesという。 園芸品種には花が黒色に近い黒紫色で白色の縁取りのあるペニー・ブラック、花が白色のスノーストームなどがあるOther Data Nemophila menziesii var macrocarpa (Eastw) Brand appears in other Kew resources

Hajnicka Seznam Cz

Family Hydrophyllaceae
General information about Nemophila menziesii var atomaria (NMPMA) Nemophila menziesii var minima Brand;Nemophila menziesii var atomaria has white flowers with black dots, often with a faint blue tint or blue veins in the corolla It is found on coastal bluffs or grassy slopes in Oregon, Northwestern California, the Central Coast of California, and the San Francisco Bay Area

Nemophila Snow Storm Nemophila Cv Snowstorm Flower Database

Fotogalerie Df Menziesii 1 Profizahrada Cz
/ hajnička 'snowstorm' (nemophila menziesii var atomaria)Image Hajnička 'Snowstorm' (Nemophila menziesii var atomaria), flowersPočet okvětních lístků 5, Nemophila menziesii var atomaria hajnička 'Snowstorm' HAJNIČKAGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data

Calphotos Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria White Baby Blue Eyes

Bay Area Hiker Wildflowers
Edit History Nemophila menziesii AGray var atomaria (Fisch & EMey) Voss family BORAGINACEAE Date Updated In appearance, Nemophila menziesii is variable Lower leaves are lobed, stalked, and oppositely arranged, 10 – 50 millimetres with 5 to 13 lobes, each entire or with 1 to 3 teeth While upper leaves are more or less sessile and less lobed than lower leaves For your information, the stalk of the inflorescence is to 60 millimetresAtlas Hajnička Nemophila menziesii, 📷 Marie Fárová;

Apr 14 Nemophila The Baby Blue Eyes Full Bloom Hitachi Seaside Park Youtube

Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria Species From California Flickr
Nemophila menziesii var atomaria > All Occurence Records 0 Nurseries Carry This Plant Plant Description Plant Type Annual herb Flower Color White Wildlife SupportedVar atomaria/subsp atomaria bílé květy s černými tečkami var integrifolia/var annulata/subsp australis/subsp integrifolia/var incana/var intermedia/var rotata modré květy s černými tečkami var menziesii/var discoidalis/subsp insignis/var venosa modré květy s bílým středem a černými tečkami Množí seNemophila menziesii Hook & Arn Baby blue eyes Nemophila menziesii, a dicot, is an annual herb that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in western North America Plant Range Observation Search (2678 records) Plant Characteristics var atomaria var integrifolia var menziesii

Cnplx Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria

Calphotos Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria Baby Blue Eyes
Nemophila menziesii var atomaria has white flowers with black dots, often with a faint blue tint or blue veins in the corolla It is found on coastal bluffs or grassy slopes in Oregon, Northwestern California, the Central Coast of California, and the San Francisco Bay AreaNemophila menziesii var atomaria, a dicot, is an annual herb that is native to California How to Grow Nemophila Plants Guide to Growing Baby Blue Eyes Flowers, Five Spot Nemophila is a genus of hardy annuals that reach from 15 to 30 cm in height This makes growing Nemophila plants of great use for rock gardens or at the front of borders They bloom from the middle of summer until the first frost of winter, and carry cup shaped flowers, with white petals

Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria Baby Blue Eyes White Form Larner Seeds

Baby Blue Eyes Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria
Global Biodiversity Information Facility Free and Open Access to Biodiversity DataSpecies Nemophila menziesii View Description Common Name BABY BLUEEYES Leaf opposite;This is a synonym of Nemophila menziesii var atomaria (Fisch & CAMey) HPChandler On this page Created with Sketch Other Data;

Nemophila Menziesii Wikiwand

Nemophila Menziesii Baby Blue Eyes Wildflowers Of The Pacific Northwest
Nemophila minutiflora (Suksd) Suksd Nemophila modesta Kellogg;Paris, Jardin de M Webb;Hajnička Snowstorm (Nemophila menziesii var atomaria)

Baby Blue Eyes Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria

Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria Calflora
Baby Blue Eyes, Nemophila menziesii, is a common annual herb of California, Oregon, and Baja California, and a popular garden plant It is a springblooming wildflower that gets its name from the bright blue flowers of two of the three varieties that are recognizedNemophila menziesii var atomaria / 1 queryThe petals may have black dots and dark blue veins Pure white forms are occasionally found There is a separate variety (var atomaria) which is pure white, with black dots from the center to the petal margin The photo on the right may be this variety, or simply a white form of var menziesii

Snokarleksblomster Snowstorm Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria Impecta

The Humble Act Of Sketching Wildflower Studies
Nemophila menziesii var atomaria Baby Blue Eyes ID 0000 0000 0309 1498 © 09 Lisa Walker Nemophila menziesii var atomaria Pale Baby Blue Eyes ID 0000 0000 1109 35 © 09 Barry Breckling Nemophila menziesii var atomaria Baby Blueeyes ID 0000 0000 0911 0374 © 11 Steven Thorsted Nemophila menziesii var atomariaNemophila menziesii Quite the same Wikipedia Just betterNemophila menziesii, ở Mỹ còn thường được gọi là baby blue eyes (mắt trẻ xanh), là một loại thảo mộc hàng năm, có nguồn gốc ở miền tây Bắc Mỹ Cây có nguồn gốc từ California, Baja California và Oregon Nó phát triển hầu như khắp California ở độ cao

Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria Calflora

File Babyblueeyes Jpg Wikimedia Commons
Hajnička Nemophila menziesii var atomaria 'Snowstorm' Čeleď Hydrophyllaceae stružkovcovité Místo Botanická zahrada Praha TrojaNemophila menziesii var atomaria Baby blue eyes (Fisch & CAMey) HPChandler 1902 Bot Gaz 34 4 (1902)Nemophila venosa Jeps Viticella menziesii (Hook & Arn) JFMacbr Viticella menziesii var

Nemophila Menziesii Alchetron The Free Social Encyclopedia

Usda Plants Database
Nemophila menziesii var atomaria (Fisch & EMey) Voss Contact us about this record IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) urnlsidipniorgnames Species Name Nemophila menziesii AGray Family as entered in IPNI Hydrophyllaceae Links Nomenclatural link Nemophila atomaria Fisch & CAMey Duplicate citation ofNemophila menziesii var atomaria (Fisch & CAMey) HPChandler appears in other Kew resourcesNemophila menziesii var minor Brand;

Nemophila Menziesii Wikipedia

Shutterstock Puzzlepix
Nemophila menziesii var venosa (Jeps) Brand;Nemophila menziesii var minutiflora Suksd Nemophila menziesii var typica Brand;Baby Blue Eyes is a hardy annual wildflower native to the southern coast in the blue form In the Willamette Valley up to about Portland the variety Nemophila menziesii ssp Atomaria is the native form It has large cup shaped flowers that are white on the inside w/

Oregon Flora Project

Nemophila Menziesii Var Atomaria Baby White Eyes Skyline Flickr
This Pin was discovered by Victoria Clevinger Discover (and save!) your own Pins onFotografie nemophila menziesii var;

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